Concept Note:
The objective of the Capacity Building for Design and Entrepreneurship program is to enhance the capacity of faculty and HEIs for creative transformation with a specific focus towards design and entrepreneurship development. It will be achieved through 1-1 mentoring of faculty and promoting generative dialogue among faculty, student teams and HEI partners by a pool of expert mentors. Each participating HEI will be assigned a maximum of three mentors for a period of two years. Each mentor will devote about 40 person days to mentor 8-10 faculty members and an equivalent number of student teams from 3 rd and 4 th year UG, 2 nd year PG and advanced years of PhD for one year. The nodal centre for the program (Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, IIITDM Kancheepuram) will manage the selection of HEIs and mentors, allocate mentors to HEIs, conduct curated webinars to share best practices and resource material, monitor progress, and disburse honorarium to the mentors. There will be no separate non-recurring or recurring grant given to the HEIs. The first phase of the program will target 50 promising HEIs for a period of two years (2024-26).